Useful Maintenance Tips for Freshly Painted Walls

June 6, 2022
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Useful Maintenance Tips for Freshly Painted Walls

Your local interior painting service has done a fantastic job with painting the interior walls of your home, and you are on cloud nine with a brand new look. However, we all know that with time, these freshly painted walls become dirty, and paint begins to fade, giving your space a grim look. With a few simple maintenance tips, you can keep your walls looking like new for a very long time.

Understand the paint type used:  Even before you can start caring for your newly painted walls, it’s important to understand the type of paint used. The type of paint on your walls is the most important aspect in selecting how to clean them. If your wall has a latex paint finish, for example, it is best to clean it with warm water and a gentle cleanser. Speak to your painting contractor and they will be happy to give you a complete insight into it. 

Dust your walls regularly: The best way to have your wall paint last long is to ensure that you clean your walls regularly, and not wait for special occasions or the holiday season to do this. Just like furniture, the dust often settles on your interior walls too, making them look murky after a while. Make it a practice to wipe this dust off at least once a week using a microfiber cloth, or any soft linen fabric. You can also vacuum the wall using the gentle brush attachment.

Work on stains immediately: Avoiding stains on the walls is practically impossible especially when you have kids and pets around. The moment you stain the wall or notice the stain, go ahead and clean it. Leaving the stain sitting on the wall for too long will only make it hard for you to remove it without damaging the paint. Some stains come off easily using a wet cloth, while some stains are stubborn and may require you to use mild detergent dissolved in warm water or even baking soda. While trying to remove the stain don’t rub it too hard chances are that you may cause the paint to discolor in that patch.

Wash your walls: Yes you read that right! We wash the floor of our house, then why not the walls at home? Washing the walls of high-traffic areas of your home, like the living room, dining area and kitchen is a great way to make your paint job last longer. Create a solution using non-abrasive liquid soap and water, now dip the sponge in it and clean the entire length of the wall. Use a cotton cloth to pat dry the wet wall.

Tend to minor damages immediately: If you notice any signs of damage like scratches, peeling, or cracking, you must get it repaired as soon as possible to avoid further damage. This not only prolongs the life of the paint but also helps in maintaining your home clean and inviting.

Keep the leftover paint handy: Once you've done your painting project, you must ask your painting contractor to leave small amounts of the paint with you, so that you can use it for any sort of touch-ups post minor repairs. Store the paint in air-tight containers at room temperature, and avoid exposing it to extremely warm or cold temperatures that may alter its color.

Are you ready to give your home a breath of fresh air? Contact the trusted Home Painters in Connecticut  for a paint job that’s well done.

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